General Discipline

Both, Parents and Students should keep in mind the following principles of discipline.

1. Students are to maintain a high standard of good manners and general behaviour. They should be polite and well behaved. They should nurture the qualities of respect for elders and teachers; cultivate the virtues of honesty and truthfulness. Always keep in mind that the school image is judged by the students' conduct.

2. Students should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct within the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school shall make them liable to disciplinary action.

3. Students are expected to converse in English. Disciplinary action will be taken against the students speaking in any other language than English.

4. The students must reach the school five minutes before the first bell at 8.50 a.m., after which main gate will be closed.

5. At the sound of the first bell, students should assemble in their respective classes.

6. Students should be regular and punctual. Students coming late to school will be sent back at the risk of their parents.

7. Once a student attends the school he/she will not be allowed any sort of leave. In cases of emergency, the child will be escorted home by the parent with the permission of the Principal and the gate pass.

8. Habitual late attendance, repeated unjustified absence, habitual non attention to school work, disobedience, slang language or objectionable moral conduct are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.

9. In case of absence no student will be admitted to class without leave note. In case of long leave prior leave note should be given to the Principal.

10. Every pupil of this school is required to have a copy of the School Diary which must be brought to school on all school days, failing which one may forfeit that day's attendance. One should, moreover, make oneself acquainted with the rules and obey them. Ignorance of the rules will plead no excuse for its sanction.

11. In the event of heavy rains and strikes, parents will take the initiative and the responsibility 

to decide whether their child should attend school or not. Please do not make phone calls regarding this.

12. Students must take sufficient care of their personal appearance. All students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. A student coming to school without proper uniform will be refused admission in the class.

13. Running, playing or shouting inside the school corridors particularly in the classrooms is never allowed. Pupils should not be walking about the school verandas during the class hours and while moving from one class to another, they should see to it that the neighbouring classes are not disturbed, and that they move in silence and in order.

14. In the absence of the teachers in the class, students must obey the class monitor appointed to maintain good order.

15. Students are expected to address their teachers and all members of staff with due respect and politeness.

16. Students should never sit on the Teacher's chair in the classroom or on the desk.

17. Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals and girls should plait their hair or pony tail, if it is below the shoulder. Short hair for girls should be neatly combed and pinned. Students are not allowed to colour their hair.

18. No fancy hair clips, jewellery, make up items or wrist band is allowed.

19. Girls must wear appropriate length of skirt. The skirt must fall on till the knees.

20. No books, pamphlets, audio & video recordings in any form, newspapers, periodicals, cinema posters or other literature of any kind, that has not been approved by the school authorities is to be brought in to the school.

21. Care must be taken of all school property and no one should scratch or spoil desks, benches, chairs or damage any school furniture. Care should be taken that the younger ones are not harmed in anyway. Pupils should avoid defacing the wall or floor of the school by writing or drawing anything on them.

22. Those who bring bicycles should keep them properly locked at the place fixed for them.

23. Books, note-books, bags, tiffin box etc. should bear the name and class of the owner. The school is not responsible for any such thing that gets lost.

24. Please see that children bring with them their tiffin box, pen, pencil, books, etc. when they come to school. No arrangements will be made to send these things to the students during working hours if brought by parents, servants or others.

25. Mobile phones, smart watch, I-pods or other gadgets of any kind are strictly not allowed. If any found in the possession of the student will not be given back to the students.

26. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started by students without the approval of the Principal.

27. Engaging of private tutors whether of the school staff or otherwise is not recommended. No student should take private tuitions from a teacher in the subjects that are taught by that teacher.

28. Gift to teachers or celebrations in their honour require the previous sanction of the Principal.

29. Visits to student or teachers during school hours by parents and other visitors are strictly forbidden. Permission is to be obtained from the Principal/Incharge in unavoidable cases.

30. Change of address and telephone nos. are to be intimated to the school office.

31. Students should be discouraged to bring money to school until or unless it is notified in the diary to bring for any school purpose.


1 Respect your parents, elders and teachers and avoid vulgarity in talk and behaviour, no matter whatever anybody may call you.

2. Be friendly with others in and out of school, always lend a helping hand to your parents, brothers and sisters; in school, to teachers and companions and any unattended visitors you happen to meet in school premises.

3. Rise when any teacher or visitor enters any room or place you happen to be in.

4. Never quarrel, cheat or be unfair at play and be courteous to and sportsman like with opposing teams and with officials.

5. Know that cruelty and causing pain to others is the trait of a bully while kindness is the mark of a gentle boy and girl.

6. Never make fun of the old or the poor, neither make fun of a companion because of misfortune or handicap which he/she cannot help, for they know that God's hands rest lovingly on the heads of all these people.

7. Learn and observe good manners in library, laboratories and elsewhere.

8. Be always truthful, whatever the cost.

9. Instead of lamenting or grumbling over the evils of this world, try to contribute your share in making the world a better place to live in.

10. Wish your elders and teachers anytime, anywhere you see them.

11. Seek the permission of the teacher in the class before leaving or entering the class, office and library.