1. All students require minimum 75% attendance to be eligible to appear for the final examination.

2. Leave of absence upto maximum of 6 days only will be granted by the Principal ON A PRIOR WRITTEN APPLICATION AND FOR SERIOUS REASONS ONLY. Parents taking their children away for marriages, festivals, holidays etc. without prior permission of the Principal are acting against the school regulations and are liable for disciplinary action.

3. The students are not allowed to be absent on the closing day reopening day, or whenever there is a school function. In case of substantial reasons prior notice is a must

4. If a student is absent on account of illness, he/she must bring a letter from his/her parents/guardian. For illness of more than 3 days the letter must be supported by a medical certificate.

5. During school hours no student is allowed to leave the Class Room without the permission of the teacher until the class is dismissed.

6. Parents are requested not to ask children to come away from school before the school closes for the day except in case of real necessity, in which case permission should be obtained previously in writing.

7. It may kindly be noted that children will not be sent home in emergency with anyone who might come for them during school hours without a written request from the parent/ guardian.

8. The school authorities will not be responsible for anything happening to a student of any class before school hours or after school hours. Parents/Guardians must take this matter with some seriousness and see that their child comes to school in time and reaches home soon after the class is over.

9. Parents are strictly asked not to send their child to school when he or she is suffering from communicable diseases. Kindly observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class:

a) Chicken pox : Till complete falling off of the scabs.

b) Cholera : Till the child is completely well.

c) Measles : Two weeks after the rash disappears

d) Mumps : Untill swelling has gone, about one month.

e) Whooping Cough: Six weeks

f) Jaundice : Six weeks after recovery